Internal Medicine
Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) uses herbal medicine and acupuncture to effect a functional and energetic change in the body. It is a system of medicine that has been used for thousands of years and was realized through deep observation of the natural world and how our human bodies are interconnected to nature.
The goal is to treat the whole person, the whole body not just the symptoms of your issue.
Using PULSE Diagnosis and ABDOMINAL Diagnosis, your body will show me which patterns are in disharmony. With every treatment, i will use these two palpatory diagnostic skills to see how your body is presenting.
Pulse (not rate and rhythm) is a complex system that helps us see patterns that are needing attention. The CCM pulse diagnostic system connects to your meridians of energy in your body and gives me a map of where you may be functionally out of balance.
Abdominal Diagnosis - the abdomen informs and confirms the state of functionality in the center - especially relating to digestion, fluid metabolism and overall energy flow. It presents an elegant internal map that also (when combined with pulse) shows me where to work. The general strength or weakness of the yang qi/central warming aspect of the body via the abdomen, which is crucial to understanding the root of your issues.
Many of our issues come from and begin in our digestive system. They may be expressing in that area of your body or elsewhere. (i.e. headaches of all kinds, sinus congestion and infections, skin rashes , all find their root in our center).
Sometimes our internal issues are exactly where we feel them (constipation, diarrhea, stomach or abdominal pain, acid reflux, bloating, gas). Often these imbalances or discomforts are debilitating, but sometimes they are vague or cyclical and they come and go. Usually, we feel them long before a disease name can be applied to them.
Many times, our regular medical system has no diagnosis. We have no disease (yet), but we know we are not feeling optimal. Sometimes, we do have a diagnosis, but feel the over the counter or prescription medication is not sustainable. We may decide to improve function of our body, rather than manage with medications indefinitely. Acupuncture and herbal medicine works to strengthen and create movement to bring the body into better balance. Undoubtedly, I may also make dietary recommendations and/or suggest nutritional supplementation where necessary .